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Accessible expanding and collapsing menu
456 Berea Street, a tutorial on creating a collapsing and expanding menu.
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ALA 238
Issue 238 of A List Apart: Evangelizing Outside the Box, Who Needs Headlines?
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Creative Use of PNG Transparency in Web Design
Digital Web magazine offers some creative uses for PNG transparency in web design, a very good article.
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Golden Rules of Linkbaiting
Smashing magazine goes over some of the basic rules of linkbaiting and how to do it ethically.
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CSS Hacks: Are They Cool or Not?
CSS hacks have received a lot of attention in the last two years as a relatively safe way to tame the problems these browsers present to us - but is it really a good idea?
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CSS Step Menu
A CSS menu that can easily be changed from 5 steps to 4, 3, or 2 steps.
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Styling the Button Element with Sliding Doors
A cross-browser technique for button elements with sliding doors.
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Is it time for CSS 2.2?
Roger at 456 Berea Street talks about whether or not it is time for CSS 2.2 to be released.
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Free High-Gloss Graphite Buttons
New free templates from bitbox this time it is high gloss graphite buttons. These files are in photoshop format.
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Making your web pages Spry
This article has A great overview of Spry for Ajax, a new feature that is found in Dreamweaver CS3.